National Outfall Upgrade Strategy

Posted Oct 27 2021 in About

The National Outfall Upgrade Strategy (NOUS) is an immense save-the-oceans project that promises a huge environmental impact in Australia by 2030! The NOUS focuses on upgrading the Australian outfalls by implementing sustainable practices on wastewater discharges.

Learn more about the milestones and sustainability goals of NOUS 2030 in this short article by

About the National Outfall Upgrade Strategy 2030

Behind the strategy

National Outfall Database is developed and led by our partners from the Clean Ocean Foundation, and funded by the Federal Government. In Australia, the National Outfall Database is the first complete database on wastewater treatment plants and outfalls that has free access to the public. 

The database conducts thorough researches on waste disposal practices, water safety, and water management. All resources of the National Outfall Database are available to the public for educational, informational, and individual research purposes on the impact of ocean pollution on the environment. 

National Outfall Database is also the organization that stands behind the NOUS 2030 research papers and tech advancement proposals about the exploitation of Australia's capabilities in smart wastewater treatment.

NOUS 2030 Milestone

The National Outfall Upgrade Strategy aims to resolve the ocean pollution problem and boost water security. The extensive research backing up the NOUS project promises an immense positive environmental impact.

With that in mind, the main milestone of NOUS is upgrading all outfalls in Australia, so they would produce Class A+ quality water by 2030. The project also suggests the federal government has to commit to the cause, and wastewater treatment plants should be able to comply with requirements, sustainability goals and the deadline. 

NOUS 2030 Papers

The project came to life thanks to the broad research by the National Outfall Database and its supporting organizations. Now the NOUS is an active strategy, promising a better future for Australia’s waterways and protection of coastal communities. 

The National Outfall Upgrade Strategy papers were presented at The Australia New Zealand Society for Ecological Economics.

Water treatment for clean oceans

Current water treatment at most plants and outfalls is not eco-responsible. The long tertiary treatment process produces low-quality water unsuitable for most applications. The final product also contains vast water pollutants such as metals, microplastics, microfibers, and pathogens.

Advantages of the National Outfall Upgrade Strategy

There are many environmental, community, and health advantages following the National Outfall Upgrade Strategy.

Implementing the NOUS strategy is beneficial because it will:

  • Support local economies with long-term benefits
  • Provide more jobs to regional and urban economies
  • Reduce ocean pollution, microfibers, and microplastics
  • Innovate and modernize the wastewater infrastructure
  • Meet the water needs of local businesses, communities, agriculture, and the environment
  • Provide a safe clean water source
  • Increase water security

By implementing the NOUS 2030 strategy and applying A+ Class water treatment, the process is simplified and the water produced is high-quality and safe for discharge to coastal outfalls. This will protect Australia's coastline from further ocean pollution and generate a reliable source of safe, re-useable, and clean water.

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