How much time do I have to answer to a booking request and what does the different booking status mean?
Every new booking you receive will be displayed in your "Bookings" page marked with a yellow "Pending" status. You will then have 48 hours to answer to that booking request.
If you accept it, the renter will be charged, and the booking status becomes a green "Upcoming." After the trip has passed, the status changes to a blue "Passed."
If you reject it, the renter won't be charged, and the booking status becomes a red "Rejected."
If you don't answer within the 48 hours, the request will expire, the renter won't be charged, and the booking status will become a red "Rejected."
If you choose to cancel an already accepted (Upcoming) booking, it's status will change to an orange "Cancelation Request," you will be contacted by a member of our customer support to provide details on the cancellation reason. Note that in such cases our Cancellation Policy is applicable and having more than 2 unfounded canceled bookings will result in deleting your boat listing.
If you wish to accept the booking request after the 48 hours has expired, send a message to the renter, asking them to make the request again so you can accept it.
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